Covid-19 community update
Joyful June!
Action for Happiness is an non-political, non-religious organisation that brings together people from all walks of life to help them take practical action to try to create more happiness in the world. It has created daily prompts for the month of June – see Joyful June calendar
Promoting regular, rapid testing
About 1 in 3 people with Covid-19 do not have symptoms but can still infect others. Testing twice a week can help stop the virus spreading. Regular rapid testing is a key way to keep ourselves and others safe as restrictions continue to ease. Home testing kits can be posted to you or collected from a number of local pharmacies and other sites.
- Find out where you can collect home test kits
- Or order online to be delivered to your home
- Or order by calling 119
Covid-19 vaccine efficacy
On 22 May, Public Health England (PHE) published a new analysis showing that two doses of the Covid-19 vaccines are highly effective against the B.1.617.2 (Delta) variant first identified in India, a level of effectiveness similar to the B.1.1.7 (Alpha/Kent) variant. PHE expects to see even higher levels of effectiveness against hospitalisation and death. The simple message is therefore get vaccinated as soon as you are able to.