Update on the AstraZeneca vaccine
Public Health England has put together a leaflet with further information, on the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine,including what to look out for after vaccination for anyone who may be worried.
Rapid Covid-19 testing for all
Since Friday 9 April everyone who does not have COVID symptoms has been urged to take twice-weekly Covid tests to help identify cases that would otherwise be missed.(Anyone who has symptoms should still isolate at home and organise to take a PCR test.). Rapid testing can be obtained at a local rapid testing site Find your nearest site in Cambridgeshire, NHS Test & Trace sites, “Pharmacy Collect” (our nearest pharmacy is Linton Pharmacy) or by ordering a box of tests on line which will be delivered to your home. You can also ring 119 to order tests. View a map of your area to see what options you have locally to take regular tests.
6 May elections
There are a number of elections taking place on 6 May, including the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority Mayor, the Police and Crime Commissioner, County Council election. If you wish to vote by post or to apply for a proxy, the deadlines are
- Monday (19 April) – to register to vote
- 5pm, Tuesday (20 April) – to apply for a postal vote (you must already be registered to vote).
- 5pm, Tuesday 27 April – to apply for a proxy vote (you must already be registered to vote). A proxy vote is when you appoint someone to visit your polling station on your behalf.
- Anyone who needs to self-isolate on election day because of Coronavirus, and is already registered to vote, will still be able to vote. This will be via new emergency proxy voting measures, even if they have not applied for a proxy vote before the above deadline. Anyone in this situation will be able to access an emergency proxy vote up until 5pm on election day
Peer Support Group
C3 Churches are offering a virtual peer support group for anyone feeling isolated, overwhelmed or disconnected on Wednesdays at 7.30pm for an hour. The next eight session block starts on 21 April. Places are limited so please book online in advance at the C3 website.