Universal credit
Due to the impact of Coronavirus over 5.5 million people are claiming Universal Credit. If you are new to claiming this benefit, you may find it helpful to refer to the Universal Credit guide https://www.jobcentrenearme.com/universal-credit/
Bank holiday precautions
As the long weekend approaches, please remember even if the weather isn’t great, it’s really important not to be tempted to move a garden gathering into the living room. We still all need to be vigilant against the virus to protect each other and to be able to stick to the timings of the roadmap
Please plan ahead for the long weekend in terms of prescriptions and ensuring you have enough prescription medicines to see you through the Bank Holiday weekend. See S Cambs share our Facebook post if helpful.
Vaccination programme updates
Inviting people over 42
The vaccination programme is currently inviting anyone over the age of 42 to make an appointment. Anyone turning 42 before 1 July can also make an appointment now, as can people who has previously been invited (eg clinically vulnerable, eligible front line health or social care workers, people with a learning disability, people in receipt of Carer’s Allowance. Find out how to book.
Pregnant or breastfeeding women
The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has confirmed there have been no specific safety concerns identified with any Covid-19 vaccine in relation to pregnancy and is advising that pregnant women should be offered the vaccine at the same time as the rest of the population. See also S Cambs post on Facebook
Women who are breastfeeding can also now receive the vaccine when it is offered to them.
Women have concerns about having the vaccine because of fertility, pregnancy or breastfeeding, should speak to a healthcare professional or visit nhs.uk/CovidVaccine. See also NHS’s post on Facebook.
Visiting care homes
Government guidance says care homes should allow residents to nominate two ‘regular’ visitors and one nominated ‘care giver’ for indoor and outdoor visiting. See the QCC’s statement on visiting in care homes and Government has published summary of guidance.
The Government has also updated the guidance for people working in adult social care on managing their mental health and taking care of the wellbeing of their staff.
Hospitality: acceptable outdoor shelters and marquees
See acceptable outdoor shelters for guidance. Basically outdoor shelters can have a roof but need to have at least 50% of the area of their walls open at all times whilst in use. No account is to be taken of openings in which there are doors, windows or other fittings that can be opened or shut. See advice from S Cambs at contact our Covid Team
Winter Support Grant: family fund
South Cambs DC can access two schemes for referring residents in need of urgent food or fuel to receive vouchers worth up to £49 (per scheme) for a family, or £29 (per scheme) for an individual. If you come across a resident in need of urgent food or fuel, consider referring them into these schemes by emailing duty.communities@scambs.gov.uk for an application form.