New people added to Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (CEV) list
The Government announced last week that the CEV list will be expanding adding around 1.7 million new people.
Until now the CEV list has been determined by a fixed number of health conditions. Age, ethnicity, medical conditions and BMI have now been added as research has now shown more people are at higher risk from COVID. All these factors are scored and above a certain threshold an individual is deemed to be CEV.
Anyone added to the CEV list will be sent an advisory letter from Government. This will also include information about local support that can be provided including priority supermarket delivery slots.
The COVID vaccination programme will now prioritise those who have been added to the CEV list as group 4 ,so they will be called quickly.
CEV people should work from home. If they cannot work from home they should not go to work. Advice will be sent about financial support.
South Cambs DC will ensure people on the CEV list are aware of their options to vote in the May elections so they need not go to a polling station.
The date for all people on the CEV list to shield has been extended, from 21 February to 31 March.