Vaccination programme update
Anyone who is over 70 and who has not yet been invited for the vaccine is now being asked to book their vaccination appointment online or by calling 119.
NHS and private sector frontline Health and Social Care Workers are being strongly encouraged to take up the offer of a vaccination. See FAQs on the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group’s website – the CCG is running the local vaccination programme and refer to this page for advice on how to access the vaccine.
Fore more info on the COVID-19 vaccination programme, see the CCG Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook accounts
Cases numbers in South Cambridgeshire continue to decline, but only slowly, so we all need to keep doing all the right things to keep the numbers going down.
Half term food vouchers
Cambridgeshire County Council will be issuing £15 supermarket vouchers for all children who usually receive Free School Meals for use during February half term by 12 February by email and text message to parents/carers. Families who have not previously applied for Free School Meals, or whose name has recently changed and who think they now meet the criteria, should visit the County Council’s website to apply.
Vouchers will be provided to families via the government-funded Winter Grant Scheme that we are working on with the County Council. For further information about the Winter Grant Scheme and the other support available during this challenging period, please visit the County Council’s website.
Laptops for Children Appeal by the County Council
Businesses and local residents are asked to donate spare laptops to support young people in Cambridgeshire who do not have access to a computer or the Internet at home for on-line lessons and homework. 8,000 pupils in the county still lack suitable equipment or internet access at home. If you are able to donate a laptop please see
donating any spare or unwanted laptops, To check technical requirements, or how to make a financial donation see the gofundme portal.
In addition to the appeal above, South Cambridgeshire District Council has awarded Cambridge Online a £5,000 grant to help digitally excluded children to get online. To applyemail or ring 01223 300407.
Local testing for people without symptoms who go out to work
There are 6 new rapid testing centres in Cambridgeshire where key workers, or other people who cannot work from home, are invited to book twice-weekly lateral flow tests. These tests are for people who do not have any symptoms of covid-19. For information about testing sites and how to book see the County Council’s website. The nearest site to Shudy is The Hub, High St, Cambourne and is open from 0800-2000 on Monday to Saturday. The test takes 15 minutes and results are available within an hour
- People with symptoms will not be tested at the rapid testing sites. Anyone with a high temperature, a new, continuous cough, or a loss or change to sense of smell or taste – should book a test at or call 119.
Practical grief advice
The Good Grief Trust helps those who have lost someone or know someone close to them during the pandemic. The current government rules may clarify some aspects for the bereaved but Good Grief Trust site adds there are a number of useful links and resources.