COVID rapid testing
School and parent/guardian testing
With schools now reopened, home testing is now available to help stop the spread of the virus. Free tests can be ordered online, or collected from local pickup points. The nearest testing site to Shudy is The Hub, High Street, Cambourne, CB23 6GW. You can Book rapid testing and Lateral flow FAQs
Government roadmap
A schematic of the Government roadmap out of lockdown is available here.
Vaccination update
Vaccines for people over the age of 50
The National Booking Service is now open to all those aged 50 and over. Book a Covid-19 vaccination now via or call 119.
Vaccine Team
To ensure the NHS can continue to vaccinate millions of people as quickly as possible and keep other vital services going, NHS is recruiting thousands of paid and volunteer roles Perhaps you can help?
Covid misinformation campaign
A lot of misinformation about COVID is being disseminated on social media and elswhere. Two currently widespread examples of misinformation are:
NHS patients can pick their type of vaccine.
- No, they cannot. Any vaccines that the NHS will provide will have been approved because they pass the MHRA’s tests on safety and efficacy, so people should be assured that whatever vaccine they get, it is worth their while.
Is the vaccine safe?
- Yes it is. The NHS will not offer any Covid-19 vaccinations to the public until independent experts have signed off that it is safe to do so. The MHRA, the official UK regulator, has said both the vaccines currently being used have good safety profiles and offer a high level of protection.