Vaccine update

People aged 60 or over, clinically extremely vulnerable people, anyone in receipt of Carer’s Allowance, and frontline Health or Social Care workers are now invited to book a Covid-19 vaccination online via, or by calling 119.

Self-isolation support scheme extended

Financial help for people to self-isolate has been extended until the end of June and expanded to include parents who need to have time off work to look after a child who is self-isolating.


People needing to self-isolate can make a bid for funding from The Test and Trace Support Payment Scheme. Those who don’t meet the criteria are also able to apply for a £500 discretionary payment. Full details of the scheme  can be found on our website.

Testing update

Households with primary school, secondary school and college aged children, including childcare and support bubbles, will now be able to test themselves for coronavirus twice a week. The guidance provides information on who can be tested and how people can get a test.

Action for Happiness: Mindful March

Action for Happiness is focusing on staying mindful through the month of March with tips and resources, such as a downloadable calendar with prompts and webinars. The next webinar takes place on Thursday 11 March, from 7pm to 8pm, and has a focus on ‘Practical hope’, with Oren Jay Sofer.

Mental health database by postcode

The Hub of Hope offers a database of mental health support which co-ordinates national, local, community, peer, private and NHS mental health support services in one place.

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