Covid-19 community update 

Free community toolkit

South Cambs Community Safety Partnership has created a toolkit to help members of local communities to keep caring for each other as the pressures of the pandemic ease.

The toolkit comprises six packs covering: Combating loneliness and isolation; Reaching your community; Making the local environment safer and greener; Crime prevention in your community; Preventing antisocial behaviour; Tackling road-related concerns.  Details about the toolkit are in a video on Facebook or Twitter, and on the press release online. If members of the community would find it helpful for the village to have access to the resources in the toolkit, the Parish Council will copies. Please let the Parish Clerk know on

All adults are eligible for the vaccine

Anyone who is 18 or over can now book their Covid-19 vaccination appointment, and people who are 40 or over are invited to bring forward their second dose appointments (from 12 weeks after their first, to eight weeks after their first). The easiest way to book or manage appointments is via the NHS website.

There are also a number of walk-in clinics being set up in the county over the coming weeks- see the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group’s website

Attached to this update is an NHS letter, which individuals can present to NHS practitioners to ensure they will be able to have the vaccine if they do not have an NHS number, address or GP registration.

Regular twice weekly testing

Check you’re not one of the 1 in 3 people with Covid-19 who doesn’t have symptoms by visiting the County Council’s website for information on twice weekly Lateral Flow Testing:

Family Fund

Residents urgently in need of food or fuel can apply for vouchers worth up to £50 by emailing who will contact you, assess your needs and give appropriate support.

Child and Family Centres are open

South Cambridgeshire’s Child and Family Centres are open but require pre booking – see attached flyer.

Mental wellbeing

Positive Mental Health
Local charity Illuminate has a range of courses available to help people overcome and manage mental ill health. They offer coaching, training and facilitation techniques and their expertise is specifically in helping people to make positive and sustainable changes in their lives.

Update on Cambridgeshire and Peterborough libraries

Cambridgeshire Libraries further extended its services from Monday 21st June. For more information, see the libraries page on the County Council’s website.

Bus service changes

Stagecoach East announced changes to some of its Cambridgeshire services and timetables to improve overall reliability, from 20th June. For more information visit the Stagecoach website.

Children’s summer holiday sports camps

Sports-based holiday camps for children between the ages of 7 and 14 (school year 3 to year 9) restarted in May 2021, and bookings are now being taken for the summer holidays. The cost for one child for one day is £25; if two children book, or if one child attends more than one day, the cost is £21 per child, per day. Each day’s camp runs from 10am to 3:30pm, and children can attend any one or up to all four of the sessions. Both camps are held outdoors and have Covid-secure measures in place. There are four available camps and parents can book now – also see Facebook, Instagram or Twitter posts about this too:

  1. Athletics: Monday 26th July 2021
  2. Athletics: Tuesday 27th July 2021
  3. Netball: Wednesday 28th July 2021
  4. Netball: Thursday 29th July 2021

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